1. 6 projectors and DVD players – $1,100 each
Due to a CEF teacher appreciation grant a few years ago, each grade level has a projector (1 for approx. 4 classrooms) and the library has a few to check out. This is inconvenient and teachers have to ask other teachers every time they want to borrow them and they all really would like to use the technology on a daily basis. They use them for overheads, displaying websites and simulations. This way there would be 1 for 2 classes. The long-term goal is to have one in every classroom (although they don.t use them as much in kindergarten and first grade).
2. Mini computer lab – $14,000
This would be used in a lot of classes where ½ the class is working on one thing and the other is working on another. For example, in Liz Gray’s class ½ is reading and ½ is writing, or ½ is working on a draft and ½ is publishing. In World Languages ½ may be working on the Rosetta Stone software and the other ½ is working with the teacher. The laptops do have a shelf life and when they are upgraded the Town’s long-term capital fund paid for them.
3. Color Printer for Library – $2,500 + $1,000 for Toner
Right now, there is no color printer in Spaulding. There is one color printer in the library for the entire school! The printer in the library is 5-6 years old. That would get moved to Spaulding and the new one would go into the library. Toner is expensive so teachers and staff must be reminded on how to minimize unnecessary use of color (for example, solid color backgrounds so toner supplies are included).
4. 2 Electronic White Boards $3,500/each
The $3,500 includes the cost of everything: mounting them on the wall, the equipment, labor and projector. Every elementary school teacher has one in Concord. The goal is to add additional ones, but to start with two in the middle school with teachers who will be likely to really utilize all their capabilities. It will allow our students to be familiar with them before moving on to the Concord Carlisle High School.
5. Remote access to IPASS student system for teachers- $3,000
The IPASS system is the student database system. Right now middle school teachers are using antiquated software to do report cards. The school is converting the middle school teachers to IPASS and this would allow the middle school teachers and specialists to do reports from home (they currently do not have access to the server). The elementary school teachers use a Word template, so they can work from home. Over time, they will also convert their report cards to a format that would work with IPASS. There is a one time annual fee of $1,000 and an annual fee of $1,000 for upgrades and maintenance since the support of the database is contracted out.