The Carlisle Education Foundation is pleased to announce the grant award recipients from our latest round of applications this December:
The 2013 National Art Educators Association Convention, March 7-10, 2013 in Fort Worth, TX: Convention opportunities include over 1,000 sessions that showcase the latest in research and practice. Hands-on workshops, museum tours and other special events provide interactive learning in and through the arts. Within the 1,000 concurrent sessions offered at the 2013 NAEA National Convention, there are numerous sessions specifically targeted to strategies for enhancing student achievement, interdisciplinary learning, assessment, curriculum, and instruction.
Awarded $2,300 to Courtney Longaker and Rachel Levy.
Council for Exceptional Children Georgia State Conference, Feb. 22-23, 2013 in Macon, GA: Present program titled “A new method to educate students with ASD/related disabilities” that allows us to share with other educators, psychologists and professionals in the field of Special Education our philosophy in recognizing, understanding and educating students who present with multiple disabilities.
Awarded $1,579.14 to Steven Peck and Lori Jackson.
A portion of these grants were awarded through The Davida Fox-Melanson Fund for Excellence in Teaching Foundation, a long-term endowment honoring retired superintendent Davida Fox-Melanson.
The next round of CEF professional development grant applications will be due by October 1, 2013. Check back soon for applications.