Art Educators Conversion in Boston– Rachel Levy & Courtney Longaker This conference provides visual art educators an opportunity to promote a more global view of visual art and inspire fresh ideas using the new national art standards. This year’s theme is “Collaborate: Inspire and Be Inspired,” and many of the presentations will focus on the integration and collaboration of visual art with other disciplines such as design thinking, technology, and social-emotional thinking.
Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta Meaghan Cox The mission of the The Ron Clark Academy is to transform classrooms around the world by demonstrating transformative methods and techniques that can be embraced and replicated everywhere. Meaghan hopes to observe the integration of high-quality, innovative instructional techniques and bring them back to the Carlisle Community.
NAEYC Early Childhood Educators Conference in Washington DC Michaela Hardimon- The NAEYC Annual Conference is the premiere professional development conference for early childhood educators where presenters share current best practices in the field. Michaela is the Carlisle preschool Teacher , as well as the Preschool Coordinator for NPEN, and plans to share her experiences with the Carlisle team and her NPEN colleagues. By attending the conference, she would like to improve the preschool’s ability to support children with disabilities and learn about current strategies for technology and digital media and how it can be used in her classroom.
Wilson Reading System Kathi Mackils plus 5 CPS Special Educators The Wilson Reading System is an instructional program used to help students who struggle with reading due to a language-based disability. This program will benefit all students in grades 3-8, with an emphasis on Tier 2 & Tier 3 support. The CEF elected to fund one teacher to become fully trained in the Wilson Level I Certification Programs. An additional 6 teachers will complete the Introductory Wilson Reading Course.
Promoting Positivity in School: motivational signage and artist in residence program– Matt Mehler and Dennett Sidell The school will welcome artist Bren Bataclan next week to work with the kids to create art that reflects the ideas and character of our school and community. This art will be installed in the stairwell leading to the gyms and performing arts studio. Additionally the principals will purchase positive signage to put around the school. The goal is to reinforce our culture of continuous learning, positivity and inclusion while deepening student social and emotional learning.
Rocket Notebooks for 8th grade Anne Spiegel The Cef is funding the purchase of 75 rocket notebooks and accessories to help the rising 8th graders go paperless next year. Rocket books are an interesting use of technology in that kids do their work on paper, but utilize the reusable and qr coded notebook pages that help them get their work to the teacher and to their own files in an orderly and efficient manner. Use of rocket books is a great move in the paperless direction and conservation of resources. Furthermore, they help kids with executive functioning and organizational support.
Sensory Pathways Sue Ross and April Colson Sue Ross and April Colson will work over the summer to create sensory pathway stickers through the use of a new a cricut machine. The grant covers purchase of the machine, training sessions for the teachers on how to use it; consultation with a graphic artist on creating their specific pathways and design, creation and installation of the pathways in the school. This is following on the success of the sensory pathways project already in place, which we believe promotes innovation by changing the nature of the transitions kids go through every day.
Public Policy Institute conference on “Building capacity for safe and successful schools” Jeff Hechenbleikner -Jeff will attend this Washington DC based conference in July to learn about moves and trends in policy and practices in regards to ensuring safe and successful schools. From this conference, he will learn not only what policies the school is obligated to have in place, but also which practices the school should have in place in order to ensure opportunity and accessibility for all students. From this conference, he believes he will be more effective in his advocacy for the students; his ability to anticipate the coming needs, challenges and opportunities awaiting CPS in the near future; and in his ability to support the teachers and administrators.